Hello my lovelies!
I'm guessing you have gathered from the title what I'm basically trying to say is that until further notice I will only be doing a blog post once a week. Unfortunately it is just how it is until I've got a routine properly in place as Scott is back at work and I'm trying to do everything at once!
I've started my healthy living. Which has included a change of diet (not some fad diet. I mean a full on life changing diet that I have to live with forever), daily exercise and some gentle detox. Plus looking after my body in the sense of moisturising and such. Its actually taking a lot more to make these changes as its an all at once change which can obviously be daunting to anyone but when you have to work it round cleaning, baby time and such the temptation to just eat bad stuff cause its easier is very tempting indeed.
But I am being good. I'm making meals from scratch instead of take aways or ready meals. This not only benefits myself but it benefits Jack and Scott as they get a healthier diet as well. Scotts in no way out of shape or anything but he doesn't eat healthy either so its a lifestyle change. I have porridge in the morning with blueberries and strawberries mixed in. Lunch I have a toasted sandwich or jacket potato/ new potatoes with some kind of topping and a hunk of veg/salad and for dinner I have my home made soup, which I make with all veg, no potatoes. No cream.
So that's started. Plus I'm trying to go for walks everyday, I didn't today but that was mainly because I did a load of house work and I feel I have worked my butt off and got sweaty so that's pretty good exercise and I haven't even finished yet, still need to hoover and mop the floors! Plus make soup! Gah I need to write a list.
This isn't a proper blog post, I'm going to do one tomorrow! I just really wanted to tidy up today and get the flat all sparkly so I can relax for a bit tomorrow and do the blog post properly. This is a 'Jacks asleep and I've put my feet up for a little while" post. Plus to tell you why I'm going to once a week as of tomorrow.
I still love doing my blog and like I say, once I've sorted my daily routine out then I can fit in a couple more posts during the week. Maybe when Jacks asleep and I've set up my laptop in the bedroom!
So yeah! Wish me luck everyone. Tomorrows post will be about my love for all things Goth! Plus how I use to do my Goth make up and why I toned it down :)
Keep an eye out lovelies!
Take it easy.
Ellie x
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