Friday, 20 March 2015

This week

Hello there!
I knooow its been over a week. But we had Jacks birthday, then Jacks birthday party, then Jack was tested for allergies and I was ill. I really only have time to do this because Jack has fallen asleep on me, so I can't move, so everything has to wait apart from my blog.

I've pretty much told you what's happened this week. So I'm going to ramble. I was suppose to do my gothic tag, as I used to be a 'goth'. I suppose I should use the term loosely as everyone's perception of Goth is completely different and I'm not getting into that debate. I liked a certain style of clothing, music, decor etc so in my mind that was Goth. I will do it soon, possibly when Scotts off I we're not ridiculously busy. So that will be soonish.

Last night and this morning I've been watching 'One Born Every Minute'. Its making me remember everything I went through when i was in hospital about to have Jack and everything that followed. It does make me nostalgic and I well up thinking of it all! Another part of me gets broody, I cannot wait to give Jack a little brother or sister. But I will wait as I want to put all my attention on Jack and I have got a set of requirements before having another one, such as i want Jack to be potty trained and in nursery or reception. I want Jack to be old enough to kind of comprehend that he will have a brother or sister.
Basically I'm bloody picky but want a baby!
I'm going to stop blabbering now as think I've done enough and Jack will probably wake up soon!

so yes hopefully new blog post soon. Stay tuned!!

Take it Easy

Ellie x

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