Thursday, 29 January 2015

Whoops its thursday!

Hello! Sorry.. Nearly forgot I had said I'd do a new post on Tuesdays (this weeks was late) and Thursdays (just in time) and either Saturday/ Sunday or both! (depending on my mood).

Well today and yesterday... And the day before... I've been updating my blog design and by gum its been really hard! I wanted it to show you all who I am ... And I am in a few short words a geek or a nerd..I don't really like "labels" but I am one of them. I don't actually know which one is which. I know ones about the obsession and ones about being smart in one or another. But I could be wrong there as well. I really should have looked it up before doing this. I suppose I still could but I'm easily distracted and next thing you know I'm on pinterest looking at kittens in costumes.

Where was I? *read back* oh yeah. Design.

Now a few years a go if I had done this, I would be a pro. I would be able to design and code my blog and make it look pretty but nowadays I can't remember anything apart from < b > makes it bold and < / b > stops it being bold. I actually did a year of studying I.T. But that was 7 years ago.

So google came into play, for as much as I would love to pay some one to design it all for me and make it all nerdy/geeky. I have nappies and bills to pay. Yay. Responsibilities. Woo. I don't mind the nappies but who said bills were allowed in the mix?
Anyway so I basically googled "How to make a banner for blogger" "How to customise social media buttons and make them work?" And you know what. Google answered my silent prayers and there was a mound of information out there on all topics of blogs. So I set to work. I'm not too happy with my blog banner (it shows some of my loves but there's something missing beauty wise... Its boring).

BUUUUUUT.. saying that. I love my social media buttons. They are my 4 favourite doctors (I love the older ones but they're not available on Netflix and I can't afford the DVDs at this time so modern 2005 onwards doctors it is) 9/10/11/12 Eccleston, Tennant, Smith. And Capaldi. I just found some cute cartoon images and then shrunk down the social media icons and added to them, embedded the link and made the widget and WAAAAALAAAAA! Cute little doctor who's looking after my links. All with the magic of paint. Yes you remember the one. Paint, which we probably spent hours on drawing silly pictures! I may post a proper tutorial in the future but I'm currently snuggled in bed writing this on my phone that doesn't let me do any of these fancy things, so another day perhaps!

I do plan on doing a lot more to my blog as time progresses and as my ability increases. Plus once I can get some batteries for 'way too expensive for its own good' camera I can start building up more pictures as well! I've also decided that once I'm feeling more confidant in my abilities I will be starting my blog! So stay tuned and you may be watching my mug on youtube telling you about my views with my monotone British voice! Wooo. Again.

So yes, I am looking forward to creating my blog step by step as time goes by and it will hopefully fully portray my geeky/nerdy/ fangirl self! I hope you stay tuned for what's to come and enjoy it as much as I am :)

So take it easy lovely ones.

Ellie x

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