Hello everyone.
If you read my original post of this matter in my old blog then this is pretty much going to be the same. But if you didn't then this is completely new and I've never written about this before. Enjoy!
So... Real Women. You know the term right? Given to women with curves... no not that many. Just the right amount. Any thing else is not a real woman. You're droids. Sorry to break it to you this way but it is time you knew the truth.
I hate the term. I really do. I hate how it floats in the comments of curvacious women "Now that is a REAL WOMAN", "All you skinny girls just jealous of this REAL WOMAN". Shut up. Just be quiet. Stop.
I don't even think I come into the category of "Real Woman" I think I have too many rolls and not enough curve. Who is to judge though? The keyboard warriors who venture the internet tirelessly looking for something to rant on? A curvy woman? A guy who likes "a bit more meat on the bones" (I also hate this term. You sound like a cannibal... stop it.)
All women are "Real Women". Whether they are curvy, fat (Yes there is a difference ladies and gents), skinny, lanky, voluptuous, tall, short, thick, thin, big fish, little fish, cardboard box, one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. It gets ridiculous, I get it, trust me I do... to an extent.
I've always been a bigger girl and when I was called a "Real Woman" it was like WOOOOOW thanks for the affirmation I've needed since I couldn't fit into the size 14 jeans because obviously I'm not growing... my bones are expanding... yes that is it. Expanding bones. Nothing to do with the amount of food I ate. Nope, I ate within the daily allowance (it is 3000 riiiggghhtt?) and I exercise (getting out of bed counts riiigggggghhhhttt?). I'm totally a real woman.
But over the years it just got a bit ... silly. So because of my size and shape (which I didn't look after) I was more of a real woman then a woman of a smaller size and shape? Who looks after it with regular exercise and eating healthily. To become a real woman would she have to stop exercising and eat junk? how is that real? Does that mean I'm more of a real woman then my sister? Then my friends?
I am in awe of these women who have the willpower to stop themselves eating crap. I am in awe of these women who push their bodies to its peak with exercise. Like I said I am in no way a skinny girl, nor am I as big as I use to be. I just want to be healthy. But back to the point in hand...
All women are Real. That term needs to be thrown out the friggin' window. It needs to be buried. Or it needs to be used for every single woman on this planet. Because I don't care if your personality is fake or if you are a rolly polly lady or you have had more surgery then Micheal Jackson... You're a real woman.
It is a two way street as I say this though. Big girls are treated differently because of their size, They're told that skinny is more beautiful, that a size 10/12 girl is a 'plus sized model'. I know that being big isn't healthy, but then neither is being too skinny. I believe that as long as people are healthy and happy. That's all that should matter. That is all that does matter to me. I see so many girls obsessing over their body shape and weight. Bigger boobs, bigger bum, Disney hair. It happens naturally for some girls and for others it takes a load of work. It would be easy for me to say stop it. But I do it every so often as well. I sometimes look in a mirror and grimace at what is looking back at me. Promise myself to go on a diet. To exercise. To get healthy, to be able to look in the mirror and smile.... and then pizza happens.
I use to love that "All about the bass song" and I still do but only
when its through my interpretation of it. I like the "My muma she told
me don't worry about your size" stop there, good, your mum should tell you not to worry, your mum should tell you that as long as you are happy and healthy then she is happy that you are happy, yes she should also fuss if she thinks you are harming yourself by getting too big or too small, she is your mother and she has the god given right to worry about her child, that she grew, loved and cuddled. But I also say to mummies out there, if you don't like your size... please don't say it in front of your child (girl or boy) love yourself so that they love themselves, even if its just for show. "I'm here to tell you, every inch of you is perfect from
the bottom to the top" yes. You are perfect. You are this fantastic
person, you live and breath and go about your business every day! Your
body works so hard all day, even when you sleep, your body is still
working to keep you going. Be healthy, yes, Be happy, yes, stop making yourself feel bad for the odd treat. This is your life... this is it. So enjoy it, stop worrying about what other people think. It is easier said then done, I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to my insecurities, I stopped caring about what other people think. But what I think about myself is much worse.
Every so often I look in the mirror and tell myself I'm pretty, I'm not going to be famous, I won't be a model, I won't be extraordinary person to the world. But I am extraordinary to the people who love me. I want to make people smile. I don't want to be fashionable. I love being a mum. I'd hate being famous. I am a real woman. I have fears and insecurities along side the fact I'm awesome. I love my life because its mine. It may not seem sparkly to some but to me is twinkles and sparkles and its amazing. I'm living my life exactly how I want. As a real woman. As a real person.
What are your thoughts of "Real Women"?
Take it easy all you real Women... And all you real men (because this applies to you too!)
Ellie x
Fantastic post! x
Thank you so much x I'm glad you liked it xxxx