Hello! Sorry.. Nearly forgot I had said I'd do a new post on Tuesdays (this weeks was late) and Thursdays (just in time) and either Saturday/ Sunday or both! (depending on my mood).
Well today and yesterday... And the day before... I've been updating my blog design and by gum its been really hard! I wanted it to show you all who I am ... And I am in a few short words a geek or a nerd..I don't really like "labels" but I am one of them. I don't actually know which one is which. I know ones about the obsession and ones about being smart in one or another. But I could be wrong there as well. I really should have looked it up before doing this. I suppose I still could but I'm easily distracted and next thing you know I'm on pinterest looking at kittens in costumes.
Where was I? *read back* oh yeah. Design.
Now a few years a go if I had done this, I would be a pro. I would be able to design and code my blog and make it look pretty but nowadays I can't remember anything apart from < b > makes it bold and < / b > stops it being bold. I actually did a year of studying I.T. But that was 7 years ago.
So google came into play, for as much as I would love to pay some one to design it all for me and make it all nerdy/geeky. I have nappies and bills to pay. Yay. Responsibilities. Woo. I don't mind the nappies but who said bills were allowed in the mix?
Anyway so I basically googled "How to make a banner for blogger" "How to customise social media buttons and make them work?" And you know what. Google answered my silent prayers and there was a mound of information out there on all topics of blogs. So I set to work. I'm not too happy with my blog banner (it shows some of my loves but there's something missing beauty wise... Its boring).
BUUUUUUT.. saying that. I love my social media buttons. They are my 4 favourite doctors (I love the older ones but they're not available on Netflix and I can't afford the DVDs at this time so modern 2005 onwards doctors it is) 9/10/11/12 Eccleston, Tennant, Smith. And Capaldi. I just found some cute cartoon images and then shrunk down the social media icons and added to them, embedded the link and made the widget and WAAAAALAAAAA! Cute little doctor who's looking after my links. All with the magic of paint. Yes you remember the one. Paint, which we probably spent hours on drawing silly pictures! I may post a proper tutorial in the future but I'm currently snuggled in bed writing this on my phone that doesn't let me do any of these fancy things, so another day perhaps!
I do plan on doing a lot more to my blog as time progresses and as my ability increases. Plus once I can get some batteries for 'way too expensive for its own good' camera I can start building up more pictures as well! I've also decided that once I'm feeling more confidant in my abilities I will be starting my blog! So stay tuned and you may be watching my mug on youtube telling you about my views with my monotone British voice! Wooo. Again.
So yes, I am looking forward to creating my blog step by step as time goes by and it will hopefully fully portray my geeky/nerdy/ fangirl self! I hope you stay tuned for what's to come and enjoy it as much as I am :)
So take it easy lovely ones.
Ellie x
A World Of Nonsense

Thursday, 29 January 2015
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
"Real Women"
Hello everyone.
If you read my original post of this matter in my old blog then this is pretty much going to be the same. But if you didn't then this is completely new and I've never written about this before. Enjoy!
So... Real Women. You know the term right? Given to women with curves... no not that many. Just the right amount. Any thing else is not a real woman. You're droids. Sorry to break it to you this way but it is time you knew the truth.
I hate the term. I really do. I hate how it floats in the comments of curvacious women "Now that is a REAL WOMAN", "All you skinny girls just jealous of this REAL WOMAN". Shut up. Just be quiet. Stop.
I don't even think I come into the category of "Real Woman" I think I have too many rolls and not enough curve. Who is to judge though? The keyboard warriors who venture the internet tirelessly looking for something to rant on? A curvy woman? A guy who likes "a bit more meat on the bones" (I also hate this term. You sound like a cannibal... stop it.)
All women are "Real Women". Whether they are curvy, fat (Yes there is a difference ladies and gents), skinny, lanky, voluptuous, tall, short, thick, thin, big fish, little fish, cardboard box, one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. It gets ridiculous, I get it, trust me I do... to an extent.
I've always been a bigger girl and when I was called a "Real Woman" it was like WOOOOOW thanks for the affirmation I've needed since I couldn't fit into the size 14 jeans because obviously I'm not growing... my bones are expanding... yes that is it. Expanding bones. Nothing to do with the amount of food I ate. Nope, I ate within the daily allowance (it is 3000 riiiggghhtt?) and I exercise (getting out of bed counts riiigggggghhhhttt?). I'm totally a real woman.
But over the years it just got a bit ... silly. So because of my size and shape (which I didn't look after) I was more of a real woman then a woman of a smaller size and shape? Who looks after it with regular exercise and eating healthily. To become a real woman would she have to stop exercising and eat junk? how is that real? Does that mean I'm more of a real woman then my sister? Then my friends?
I am in awe of these women who have the willpower to stop themselves eating crap. I am in awe of these women who push their bodies to its peak with exercise. Like I said I am in no way a skinny girl, nor am I as big as I use to be. I just want to be healthy. But back to the point in hand...
All women are Real. That term needs to be thrown out the friggin' window. It needs to be buried. Or it needs to be used for every single woman on this planet. Because I don't care if your personality is fake or if you are a rolly polly lady or you have had more surgery then Micheal Jackson... You're a real woman.
It is a two way street as I say this though. Big girls are treated differently because of their size, They're told that skinny is more beautiful, that a size 10/12 girl is a 'plus sized model'. I know that being big isn't healthy, but then neither is being too skinny. I believe that as long as people are healthy and happy. That's all that should matter. That is all that does matter to me. I see so many girls obsessing over their body shape and weight. Bigger boobs, bigger bum, Disney hair. It happens naturally for some girls and for others it takes a load of work. It would be easy for me to say stop it. But I do it every so often as well. I sometimes look in a mirror and grimace at what is looking back at me. Promise myself to go on a diet. To exercise. To get healthy, to be able to look in the mirror and smile.... and then pizza happens.
I use to love that "All about the bass song" and I still do but only when its through my interpretation of it. I like the "My muma she told me don't worry about your size" stop there, good, your mum should tell you not to worry, your mum should tell you that as long as you are happy and healthy then she is happy that you are happy, yes she should also fuss if she thinks you are harming yourself by getting too big or too small, she is your mother and she has the god given right to worry about her child, that she grew, loved and cuddled. But I also say to mummies out there, if you don't like your size... please don't say it in front of your child (girl or boy) love yourself so that they love themselves, even if its just for show. "I'm here to tell you, every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top" yes. You are perfect. You are this fantastic person, you live and breath and go about your business every day! Your body works so hard all day, even when you sleep, your body is still working to keep you going. Be healthy, yes, Be happy, yes, stop making yourself feel bad for the odd treat. This is your life... this is it. So enjoy it, stop worrying about what other people think. It is easier said then done, I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to my insecurities, I stopped caring about what other people think. But what I think about myself is much worse.
Every so often I look in the mirror and tell myself I'm pretty, I'm not going to be famous, I won't be a model, I won't be extraordinary person to the world. But I am extraordinary to the people who love me. I want to make people smile. I don't want to be fashionable. I love being a mum. I'd hate being famous. I am a real woman. I have fears and insecurities along side the fact I'm awesome. I love my life because its mine. It may not seem sparkly to some but to me is twinkles and sparkles and its amazing. I'm living my life exactly how I want. As a real woman. As a real person.
What are your thoughts of "Real Women"?
Take it easy all you real Women... And all you real men (because this applies to you too!)
Ellie x
If you read my original post of this matter in my old blog then this is pretty much going to be the same. But if you didn't then this is completely new and I've never written about this before. Enjoy!
So... Real Women. You know the term right? Given to women with curves... no not that many. Just the right amount. Any thing else is not a real woman. You're droids. Sorry to break it to you this way but it is time you knew the truth.
I hate the term. I really do. I hate how it floats in the comments of curvacious women "Now that is a REAL WOMAN", "All you skinny girls just jealous of this REAL WOMAN". Shut up. Just be quiet. Stop.
I don't even think I come into the category of "Real Woman" I think I have too many rolls and not enough curve. Who is to judge though? The keyboard warriors who venture the internet tirelessly looking for something to rant on? A curvy woman? A guy who likes "a bit more meat on the bones" (I also hate this term. You sound like a cannibal... stop it.)
All women are "Real Women". Whether they are curvy, fat (Yes there is a difference ladies and gents), skinny, lanky, voluptuous, tall, short, thick, thin, big fish, little fish, cardboard box, one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. It gets ridiculous, I get it, trust me I do... to an extent.
I've always been a bigger girl and when I was called a "Real Woman" it was like WOOOOOW thanks for the affirmation I've needed since I couldn't fit into the size 14 jeans because obviously I'm not growing... my bones are expanding... yes that is it. Expanding bones. Nothing to do with the amount of food I ate. Nope, I ate within the daily allowance (it is 3000 riiiggghhtt?) and I exercise (getting out of bed counts riiigggggghhhhttt?). I'm totally a real woman.
But over the years it just got a bit ... silly. So because of my size and shape (which I didn't look after) I was more of a real woman then a woman of a smaller size and shape? Who looks after it with regular exercise and eating healthily. To become a real woman would she have to stop exercising and eat junk? how is that real? Does that mean I'm more of a real woman then my sister? Then my friends?
I am in awe of these women who have the willpower to stop themselves eating crap. I am in awe of these women who push their bodies to its peak with exercise. Like I said I am in no way a skinny girl, nor am I as big as I use to be. I just want to be healthy. But back to the point in hand...
All women are Real. That term needs to be thrown out the friggin' window. It needs to be buried. Or it needs to be used for every single woman on this planet. Because I don't care if your personality is fake or if you are a rolly polly lady or you have had more surgery then Micheal Jackson... You're a real woman.
It is a two way street as I say this though. Big girls are treated differently because of their size, They're told that skinny is more beautiful, that a size 10/12 girl is a 'plus sized model'. I know that being big isn't healthy, but then neither is being too skinny. I believe that as long as people are healthy and happy. That's all that should matter. That is all that does matter to me. I see so many girls obsessing over their body shape and weight. Bigger boobs, bigger bum, Disney hair. It happens naturally for some girls and for others it takes a load of work. It would be easy for me to say stop it. But I do it every so often as well. I sometimes look in a mirror and grimace at what is looking back at me. Promise myself to go on a diet. To exercise. To get healthy, to be able to look in the mirror and smile.... and then pizza happens.
I use to love that "All about the bass song" and I still do but only when its through my interpretation of it. I like the "My muma she told me don't worry about your size" stop there, good, your mum should tell you not to worry, your mum should tell you that as long as you are happy and healthy then she is happy that you are happy, yes she should also fuss if she thinks you are harming yourself by getting too big or too small, she is your mother and she has the god given right to worry about her child, that she grew, loved and cuddled. But I also say to mummies out there, if you don't like your size... please don't say it in front of your child (girl or boy) love yourself so that they love themselves, even if its just for show. "I'm here to tell you, every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top" yes. You are perfect. You are this fantastic person, you live and breath and go about your business every day! Your body works so hard all day, even when you sleep, your body is still working to keep you going. Be healthy, yes, Be happy, yes, stop making yourself feel bad for the odd treat. This is your life... this is it. So enjoy it, stop worrying about what other people think. It is easier said then done, I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to my insecurities, I stopped caring about what other people think. But what I think about myself is much worse.
Every so often I look in the mirror and tell myself I'm pretty, I'm not going to be famous, I won't be a model, I won't be extraordinary person to the world. But I am extraordinary to the people who love me. I want to make people smile. I don't want to be fashionable. I love being a mum. I'd hate being famous. I am a real woman. I have fears and insecurities along side the fact I'm awesome. I love my life because its mine. It may not seem sparkly to some but to me is twinkles and sparkles and its amazing. I'm living my life exactly how I want. As a real woman. As a real person.
What are your thoughts of "Real Women"?
Take it easy all you real Women... And all you real men (because this applies to you too!)
Ellie x
be happy,
be healthy,
eat cake,
real men,
Real women,
Saturday, 24 January 2015
It's always tea time...
Hello lovely people.
One of my Christmas presents from my dads wife Marlane was a voucher for a themed tea for two at a lovely restaurant called The Essex. I could take anyone I wanted so I chose my mum as I felt she deserved a break from everything she does plus she helps me in so many ways so it felt right to give back to her!
I, of course, opted for the Alice in Wonderland themed tea party and have been so excited for it. I'm not the girliest person but I do love a good afternoon tea. Now I will mention now that it was the first time I've been away from my little Jack for longer then an hour since I've had him and it felt weird leaving him but I'm a sense I'm glad I decided to let Scott have some father son time without me. He would have been bored and would have wanted to smash it all to smithereens'. It was still weird though.
I had considered dressing up but my wardrobe consists of tshirts and jeans. Plus it was suppose to be relaxing so obviously I wore my Hogwarts jumper. The only things I own that have Alice in Wonderland on it is a tshirt but its a twisted version of it (Alice is holding a knife as a demonic looking white rabbit approaches her.. Awesome) and a Cheshire cat onsey. So of course I didn't think either were appropriate for comfort or a bit of sophistication (hahaha me... Sophisticated.. Good one). So Hogwarts jumper and jeans it was! I don't know why I didn't think of it to begin with.
I have to say it was lovely! Very simply designed table with themed items on it (including a small top hat with rabbit ears attached to it) and it was fine china tea cups! Loved it! My mum loves cups that feel like they're going to break or that are made from thin air... so we had to swap cups as mine was apparently a bit too thick.. almost paper thin!! Disgraceful. The sandwiches were half brown and half white which gave it a nice little effect, the scones, jam and clotted cream were ammmaaaazing! and the little cakes, all themed I might add, were so yummy. Though we didn't eat the cakes there and then as we were stuffed after sandwiches and scones but they gave us a bag to take them home in (Scott ate them).
It was such a lovely relaxed atmosphere, the staff were attentive but not too over bearing (I hate it when they hover, waiting for you to shove a mouthful of food in your mouth before asking if everything is ok... they did not do this, I was very happy). We actually got talking to them after we had finished and found out that a lot of the teacups and saucers had been donated by people all over the place, plus some of the props they use for the different themes! I thought this was such a lovely idea and it just added to the experience really. They were open and friendly. We even found out that some of the props had been stolen by some people which I thought was disgraceful, not only is it wrong but it takes away from the next people to enjoy it! Any way.
All in all I definitely recommend this to anyone, she said they do hen parties and are always going the themed tea for two! The themes include Alice In Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and The Wizard of Oz! I'd love to experience them all. Plus you can either have the classic traditional tea or you can have a cocktail option, the cocktails and named with each theme in mind as well. As we were finishing ours they had started setting up a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and a Snow White one on other tables (So of course we took a few shots so I could show you!). I definitely recommend for a Christmas/ Birthday/ Hen Party or even just a small treat for yourself. It is £35 for the traditional tea or £45 for the cocktail option (obviously if you opt for the cocktail make sure you have some one come pick you up after so you can enjoy it, otherwise be good and have tea!).
They have people come from all over to enjoy their restaurant and particularly their themed tea for twos! Just click "The Essex" and check out what they have to offer. Hope you give them a go, it is completely worth it :)
![]() |
'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' |
![]() |
'Snow White' |
Take it easy. Have a tea on me (Not literally on me... not even figuratively.. just drink some tea.)
Ellie x
Alice in wonderland,
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,
Snow White,
tea for two,
The Essex,
Wizard of Oz,
Godshill, Isle of Wight, UK
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
Sorry and 30 Random facts about meeee.
Ok so I was suppose to have a post up last night or today about my tea for two with my mum, unfortunately due to my phone being ridiculous and my laptop dieing (rip) it is now going to have to wait till tomorrow! Sorry!
But instead I've decided to do a quickly 30 random facts about me!
Here we go!
Any who I will once again tackle my other post tomorrow but hope you enjoy these facts and bits.
If you do 30 facts or more or less, comment below I would love to read yours! I love lists remember ;)
So take it easy.
Ellie x
But instead I've decided to do a quickly 30 random facts about me!
Here we go!
- I'm naturally ginger
- I have hazel and green eyes
- I want lots of tattoos but so far have 2 (Butterfly and Koi)
- I met my husband on the 8th October 2005
- I use to wear fishnets and black fluffy boots
- Even when I was Goth I loved listening to pop
- My wardrobe consists of mainly tshirts with different slogans and pictures on them
- My name means bringer of light
- I could easily play on the xbox all day with only toilet breaks and snack breaks
- I could also do the same reading a book
- I use to make boats and little paddles and hats for fairies in my mums garden
- I sometimes wish I could be more girly but then my confidence gets in the way. Rude.
- I don't like wearing foundation as I don't feel like my skin can breath
- I like getting spots (sorry its a gross one)
- I love vintage cars
- I wear pajamas more then actual clothing and probably have more pj bottoms then I do trousers... In fact I know I do
- I love making things from scratch, it tastes so much better
- Since having my Jack I've lost 2 and a half stone just through breastfeeding (magical boobs)
- I'm a very family orientated person and have maybe 2 people I trust outside of family
- I don't trust people easily. But I have friendly
- I inherited my granddads collection of Alice In Wonderland and have been adding to it as well
- My Granddad was and still is a huge inspiration in my life
- I have always been into gaming, my mum loved Sonic and I still remember coming home from School and she had been playing it all day and was really confused why I was already home. I guess that's where I got it from!
- My husband and I keep our books and DVDs separate. I wouldn't but he says I have some awful DVDs he doesn't want his shuffled with and he only has like 6 books and there's no room left on my book shelves for his (there is really)
- I make a lot of lists. I love making lists and sometimes I'll make a list then re write it in the most effective way.
- I'm really bad when it comes to my weight. If some one tells me I've lost weight I immediately want to go and binge on bad food. So if I'm trying to get rid of weight I tell people not to say anything if they do notice. Otherwise the work in undone
- I get obsessed with things very easily. Tv shows, games, books etc. I will watch every single season as soon as I can and I'm more emotionally attached to them then I am some of the real people in my life. Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Criminal Minds, Hannibal, Skulduggery Pleasant etc.
- I think I'm pretty but hate the rest of my body
- I like my hair
- and last and probably not so much a fact but something I think about a lot. If I ever won the lottery I would help my family (like get a better care, better healthcare, better house or at least have it done through out and such and etc). Obviously I'd buy a house but I wouldn't have a massive one with a pool or anything, I would just buy a nice house, do it up how Scott and I would like it. I would do my driving lessons and get Scott to do his. I'd start up my dream job (owning my own cafe) and put a lot into savings for Jack (and any future sprogs). My little silly treat would be to buy lots of new figurines and some tshirts and a new laptop. I'd also get Scott a recording studio with a couple of new guitars. Jack would have his bedroom decorated how ever he wanted :) sorry that was a big one but I do literally think about it daily hahaha.
Any who I will once again tackle my other post tomorrow but hope you enjoy these facts and bits.
If you do 30 facts or more or less, comment below I would love to read yours! I love lists remember ;)
So take it easy.
Ellie x
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Right. Left.
Ok so I've deleted my original post from today as it was self loathing and silly. I will carry on my blog and of some one reads it then that's a bonus. Because its just nice to write. I'm not going to become a blogger maniac because that's not me. I'll tell you about stuff I've done and do silly posts and that's it. That's me.
I'm pretty simple (not minded). I know what I like and what I don't like. I'm not looking for a massive amount of followers. I find it difficult enough keeping up with family! If you happen to like the same stuff as me or find it interesting then yay! But otherwise, I'm just going to do this for fun instead of feeling like it has to be read.
This isn't todays official post , that will come tomorrow. This post is just to confirm I will carry on my blog. Sorry about my rather dramatic exit but I was only outside for a while haha.
So hope you carry on reading whoever you are and there will be a post later about my T42 I'm having with my mummy later :).
Take it easy.
Ellie x
I'm pretty simple (not minded). I know what I like and what I don't like. I'm not looking for a massive amount of followers. I find it difficult enough keeping up with family! If you happen to like the same stuff as me or find it interesting then yay! But otherwise, I'm just going to do this for fun instead of feeling like it has to be read.
This isn't todays official post , that will come tomorrow. This post is just to confirm I will carry on my blog. Sorry about my rather dramatic exit but I was only outside for a while haha.
So hope you carry on reading whoever you are and there will be a post later about my T42 I'm having with my mummy later :).
Take it easy.
Ellie x
Saturday, 17 January 2015
I'm weird because...
Ok I love these sorts of posts. Its easy and give you a bit more incite on how I see myself, I sometimes find out some thing new along the way. I got this off of Dorkfaces blog which I love! Go check it out! Any way onto the questions!
I'm weird because...
I'm a bad friend because...
I'm a good friend because...
I'm sad because...
I'm happy because...
I'm excited because...
Thanks for reading! I hope you do this post as well its so fun, let me know if you do! Don't forget to leave me a comment and a link to your blog so I can have a good read and will be fixing up my page a bit more so there's some links to my different sites. Thanks guys.
Take it easy.
Ellie x
I'm weird because...
- I prefer staying in to going out, I could stay in everyday for at least a week before I need to get "fresh air"
- When I'm reading or playing a game, the world around me disappears completely and I forget where I am sometimes and it can take someone shouting in my face to get me to come back to reality.
- I like to listen to music in the bathroom. Even if I don't need to go to the toilet. I just sit in there with the door locked and listen.
I'm a bad friend because...
- I'm an introvert, I don't like going out and I don't really like people coming round. As soon as people are in my flat I want them out. Nothing personal I just like my space.
- You may not hear from me for lengths of time unless you contact me first.
- I don't share, so if we're getting a pizza you will have to order your own cause you can have any of mine.
I'm a good friend because...
- Even though I'm an introvert if you need me I will be there straight away.
- I will listen to you and if you want it I can offer advice but if you don't I will just listen.
- I understand when people want sometime apart and sometimes friends don't get it. I won't come hounding your door way if you've asked for time with family, bf or whatever.
I'm sad because...
- It hasn't snowed yet and I like snow and the world stopping because people can't handle it.
- I don't like having to receive certain benefits, even if it means I can eat for another week.
- I can never make up my mind what I want to do with my hair
I'm happy because...
- My little boy is developing so well and is such a cheeky beautiful boy 😊
- I have a loving husband who makes me feel beautiful all the time
- I have an incredibly supportive and loving family and I know I am extremely happy to have it.
I'm excited because...
- My little boy is turning one soon and I'm having a little party for him (me)
- I'm enjoying doing my blog and the response I've been having so far!
- I have been designing my tattoo for Jack and its looking awesome 😁
Thanks for reading! I hope you do this post as well its so fun, let me know if you do! Don't forget to leave me a comment and a link to your blog so I can have a good read and will be fixing up my page a bit more so there's some links to my different sites. Thanks guys.
Take it easy.
Ellie x
Thursday, 15 January 2015
Vlogging? The final frontier
Hello! (said I'd start didn't I)
Hope you are well :)
Todays post is as it says on the title, about vlogging and whether or not I start. Scott suggested it to me (my husband) and I shrugged it off as I'm pretty awkward without having a camera pointed at me. I would just want to act silly or would say 'ummm' a lot which I don't like doing.
I love watching Vlogs, like Jenna Marbles and her boyfriend Julien, Its black Friday (she's adorable and dorky) and I like just searching for Get Ready With Me tags as I find it really interesting to see how some of you ladies do your make up and before and after's are awesome. I like funny people more then anything, I cant handle seriousness and end up leaving.
So could I realistically start a vlog?
Probably. I do like to talk, especially of its something I'm passionate about or something silly. I'd probably let Scott handle the editing or at least get him to show me how to as I'm useless! I don't even know how to put links on my blog yet. Still learning.
Chances are if I didn't start I'd have to make more of an effort with my appearance. Plus you'd get to see Jack. Or at least hear him. So yes it is something I am considering. Though I can type the type but can I talk the talk. We shall see!
Any tips you'd like to throw my way about vlogging, I am more then willing to take it on board.
Not a very interesting post today! Sorry and such. But either Saturday or Sunday will have my next one, which should include pictures! Finally! Some pictures! Woop woop.
Take it easy.
Ellie x
Hope you are well :)
Todays post is as it says on the title, about vlogging and whether or not I start. Scott suggested it to me (my husband) and I shrugged it off as I'm pretty awkward without having a camera pointed at me. I would just want to act silly or would say 'ummm' a lot which I don't like doing.
I love watching Vlogs, like Jenna Marbles and her boyfriend Julien, Its black Friday (she's adorable and dorky) and I like just searching for Get Ready With Me tags as I find it really interesting to see how some of you ladies do your make up and before and after's are awesome. I like funny people more then anything, I cant handle seriousness and end up leaving.
So could I realistically start a vlog?
Probably. I do like to talk, especially of its something I'm passionate about or something silly. I'd probably let Scott handle the editing or at least get him to show me how to as I'm useless! I don't even know how to put links on my blog yet. Still learning.
Chances are if I didn't start I'd have to make more of an effort with my appearance. Plus you'd get to see Jack. Or at least hear him. So yes it is something I am considering. Though I can type the type but can I talk the talk. We shall see!
Any tips you'd like to throw my way about vlogging, I am more then willing to take it on board.
Not a very interesting post today! Sorry and such. But either Saturday or Sunday will have my next one, which should include pictures! Finally! Some pictures! Woop woop.
Take it easy.
Ellie x
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
I never say hello at the start of a new post. Just realised. Didn't do it this time either. Whoops.
Hello! Good evening, Good morning, Good Night.
Which ever way you're headed welcome to another blog post.
Now make up. What does Ellie know about make-up? I don't wear a lot of it, anymore, you may even be shocked to learn at one point I wanted to be a make-up artist. (gasp).
Yes I did a course of Specialist Make-Up in London. I did one whole year before I realised I didn't like London. I kind of went off make up as well. London was rubbish. I met some awesome people and learnt some pretty cool things but yeah.. London and I didn't mix. I got on with it but I missed the island.
Any who. Yes so a whole yeah of learning about make up and I can give you the best Victorian look ever! I can even do the hair to go with it. Don't get me wrong it was amazing but it was pretty much a year of Victorian hair and make-up. There were bits to the side here and there but when you basically get told (by your helpful, motivational teachers) that you will probably fail at becoming a make up artist because the competition it soooo tough, it kind of knocks your confidence (especially when you're being taught how to make it look like the person isn't wearing any make up even though they are. Victorian conspiracy make up).
I love make up don't get me wrong, if I had the time nowadays I'd probably do it more. I'm not going to blame having a baby. Its not even about time. I'm just a bit lazy. I could do the whole malarky of prima, concealer, foundation, power, contouring and such but
1. I literally have to give my face a completely new colour as my face is too many colours (blotchy skin)
2. It would take me way too long as once o get started I'm too much of a perfectionist to go fast
3. Make up is expensive.
Living in London we had every kind of make up shop you can think of. I loved them but some of them didn't love me. Quick explanation, when I was doing my course I was sort of both/grungy/ tom boy blah blah, so I stuck out like a sore thumb in MAC. A guy literally followed me round thinking I was going to nick something. Bitch please I have a loan and an overdraft and you aren't that special. But my make up kit for college alone cost me £500 and it didn't last so we had to buy more. I got a lot from Primark and boots but there was certain colours you could only get from MAC. I loved telling them I was a make up student and showing them my discount card (their premadonna faces fell fast muahahaa)
But once I left the course and sold all the make up to pay off the £1000 overdraft. I went off make up. I still wore eye make up. But it dwindled until last year I literally just wore mascara. Only putting more on if it was a special occasion. But I'm starting to feel the itch again. I want to experiment again. I want to play with my face and make myself look pretty. I've started wearing more make up on my eyes. I've even been able to straighten my hair a couple of times (without Jack being too much of a pest trying to rip it out). Even straightening it and putting it up is just... Nice.
So yes, the make up itch is coming back. Might even try lipstick (shock horror). May even post some pictures. Though I'm not quite sure how to do it on my phone.
Do you feel nude without your make up?
Take it easy.
Ellie x
Hello! Good evening, Good morning, Good Night.
Which ever way you're headed welcome to another blog post.
Now make up. What does Ellie know about make-up? I don't wear a lot of it, anymore, you may even be shocked to learn at one point I wanted to be a make-up artist. (gasp).
Yes I did a course of Specialist Make-Up in London. I did one whole year before I realised I didn't like London. I kind of went off make up as well. London was rubbish. I met some awesome people and learnt some pretty cool things but yeah.. London and I didn't mix. I got on with it but I missed the island.
Any who. Yes so a whole yeah of learning about make up and I can give you the best Victorian look ever! I can even do the hair to go with it. Don't get me wrong it was amazing but it was pretty much a year of Victorian hair and make-up. There were bits to the side here and there but when you basically get told (by your helpful, motivational teachers) that you will probably fail at becoming a make up artist because the competition it soooo tough, it kind of knocks your confidence (especially when you're being taught how to make it look like the person isn't wearing any make up even though they are. Victorian conspiracy make up).
I love make up don't get me wrong, if I had the time nowadays I'd probably do it more. I'm not going to blame having a baby. Its not even about time. I'm just a bit lazy. I could do the whole malarky of prima, concealer, foundation, power, contouring and such but
1. I literally have to give my face a completely new colour as my face is too many colours (blotchy skin)
2. It would take me way too long as once o get started I'm too much of a perfectionist to go fast
3. Make up is expensive.
Living in London we had every kind of make up shop you can think of. I loved them but some of them didn't love me. Quick explanation, when I was doing my course I was sort of both/grungy/ tom boy blah blah, so I stuck out like a sore thumb in MAC. A guy literally followed me round thinking I was going to nick something. Bitch please I have a loan and an overdraft and you aren't that special. But my make up kit for college alone cost me £500 and it didn't last so we had to buy more. I got a lot from Primark and boots but there was certain colours you could only get from MAC. I loved telling them I was a make up student and showing them my discount card (their premadonna faces fell fast muahahaa)
But once I left the course and sold all the make up to pay off the £1000 overdraft. I went off make up. I still wore eye make up. But it dwindled until last year I literally just wore mascara. Only putting more on if it was a special occasion. But I'm starting to feel the itch again. I want to experiment again. I want to play with my face and make myself look pretty. I've started wearing more make up on my eyes. I've even been able to straighten my hair a couple of times (without Jack being too much of a pest trying to rip it out). Even straightening it and putting it up is just... Nice.
So yes, the make up itch is coming back. Might even try lipstick (shock horror). May even post some pictures. Though I'm not quite sure how to do it on my phone.
Do you feel nude without your make up?
Take it easy.
Ellie x
Make up,
Sunday, 11 January 2015
Alice: Return to Madness
I think I have mentioned at some point that I like to play, xbox, playstation, pc, ds, wii U ... I'll pretty much play anything. I'm sure in a later blog I will tell you my top 10 games but today I'm going to talk about American Mcgees Alice: Return to Madness.
Its based on Alice in Wonderland, but a darker, scarier Alice. It really looks into the Mental part of it all. Really you have to play the first one to understand most of it but it does give you flashbacks and explains most of it anyway.
Basically Alice Liddell's family (Father, Mother and sister) were all killed in a fire that destroyed her family home. The first game is Alice blaming herself and having a psychotic break. She is put into a mental asylum where she is a prisoner in her own mind. Her wonderland has been turned into a pretty messed up world of evil and she has to battle her way through to regain her 'sanity' and come to the realisation it wasn't her fault with the help of her trusty Vorpal Blade. I won't spoil it for you. Too much.
The second game, I love it, is based a few years later. Alice is out of the asylum and in the orphanage for children with traumatic events, trying to forget said traumatic events with the help of Dr Angus Bumby. But something is happening in her Wonderland, things still aren't right and it turns out that there is something new trying to destroy her mind. She has to figure out what happened in her past to fix her future and her wonderland. With the help of her Vorpal Blade yet again and the eloquent Cheshire Cat.
This game is visually beautiful, compared to the first game they obviously had a lot more time and with it being in the xbox the graphics are so much better. The different scenery's are stunning and really help drag you back into the game. I'm not one for fashion but her outfits are incredibly detailed and there's a new one for each area you are in. On a whole I fell in love with it all, I could quite happily have just wondered around the game just to look at it all.
The music is also beautiful, really eerie and I downloaded them all as ringtones, really makes you think Victorian music. Each scene has the perfect soundtrack to match it as well as when you're battling.
You revisit old villains, most have 'changed their ways' others just can't be bothered to be beaten again (Alice is just that good). The new evil creatures are these strange black gloopy beasts with doll faces. There's small ones and there's big ones that gobble you up and spit you out (yum) plus a few others. Nice.
Your weapons are upgradeable and you can download some as well (also you can download some more outfits that all have different abilities with them) you have your Vorpal Blade which is best for your up close and personal combat and throughout you gain other weapons. The peppermill is for aiming at pig snouts (also if you don't want to get too close to a bad guy just shoot with this). You also get a hobby horse which is more powerful but slower. For defense against things being flung at you, you get a very beautiful umbrella that deflects the attacks or pings them right back at the attacker (very useful).
I won't tell you too much more as I really think it needs to be played to be fully appreciated for its beauty and its story. I love playing it and I'm sure you will too. You don't have to like scary games or the like just to appreciate the dark beauty of this game. It can be enjoyed by anyone and enjoy the story as it goes.
I hope you get to enjoy the game as much as I have and will!
Take it easy.
Ellie x
Its based on Alice in Wonderland, but a darker, scarier Alice. It really looks into the Mental part of it all. Really you have to play the first one to understand most of it but it does give you flashbacks and explains most of it anyway.
Basically Alice Liddell's family (Father, Mother and sister) were all killed in a fire that destroyed her family home. The first game is Alice blaming herself and having a psychotic break. She is put into a mental asylum where she is a prisoner in her own mind. Her wonderland has been turned into a pretty messed up world of evil and she has to battle her way through to regain her 'sanity' and come to the realisation it wasn't her fault with the help of her trusty Vorpal Blade. I won't spoil it for you. Too much.
The second game, I love it, is based a few years later. Alice is out of the asylum and in the orphanage for children with traumatic events, trying to forget said traumatic events with the help of Dr Angus Bumby. But something is happening in her Wonderland, things still aren't right and it turns out that there is something new trying to destroy her mind. She has to figure out what happened in her past to fix her future and her wonderland. With the help of her Vorpal Blade yet again and the eloquent Cheshire Cat.
This game is visually beautiful, compared to the first game they obviously had a lot more time and with it being in the xbox the graphics are so much better. The different scenery's are stunning and really help drag you back into the game. I'm not one for fashion but her outfits are incredibly detailed and there's a new one for each area you are in. On a whole I fell in love with it all, I could quite happily have just wondered around the game just to look at it all.
The music is also beautiful, really eerie and I downloaded them all as ringtones, really makes you think Victorian music. Each scene has the perfect soundtrack to match it as well as when you're battling.
You revisit old villains, most have 'changed their ways' others just can't be bothered to be beaten again (Alice is just that good). The new evil creatures are these strange black gloopy beasts with doll faces. There's small ones and there's big ones that gobble you up and spit you out (yum) plus a few others. Nice.
Your weapons are upgradeable and you can download some as well (also you can download some more outfits that all have different abilities with them) you have your Vorpal Blade which is best for your up close and personal combat and throughout you gain other weapons. The peppermill is for aiming at pig snouts (also if you don't want to get too close to a bad guy just shoot with this). You also get a hobby horse which is more powerful but slower. For defense against things being flung at you, you get a very beautiful umbrella that deflects the attacks or pings them right back at the attacker (very useful).
I won't tell you too much more as I really think it needs to be played to be fully appreciated for its beauty and its story. I love playing it and I'm sure you will too. You don't have to like scary games or the like just to appreciate the dark beauty of this game. It can be enjoyed by anyone and enjoy the story as it goes.
I hope you get to enjoy the game as much as I have and will!
Take it easy.
Ellie x
Saturday, 10 January 2015
Party like a one year old!
Now this post is mainly aimed at parents but I'm sure every one could learn something from it. I might as well.
My little ray of evil sunshine will be a year old in a few weeks time. That has shaken me to my core. Just so weird that nearly 11 months ago my baby was born a tiny 5lb13oz. He was a wiggly skinny little man.
Alot of mums say they forget the pain of childbirth and whilst to the most part that's true for me, I still remember some of it. I remember trying to gain back the control I was quickly loosing through the pain (oh god the pain!). I had been doing relatively well and was even patting myself on the back thinking 'this is fine, I don't know what all the fuss is about'.
I was induced you see. I went in on a Monday for a sizing scan to see if he had gotten any bigger as it was showing he was quite small. They always check your pee and such and My pee was plus 2 protein, my blood pressure was ridiculous and they did some blood tests and my midwife came in, sat down and very calmly said "your blood results have come back an absolute mess so you need to have you baby... We're going to induce you dear"
I remember saying "Yeah why not" had to come some time right? and if my blood was a mess then best to get him out safely. So up went the gel (they are not gentle!) and the waiting began.
But like I said I didn't know what all the fuss was about, had another thing of gel as the first hadn't done anything (ouuuuuuuuch!). Felt little twinges that they said were contractions but it was more like a mild period pain or to men .. Like you'd eaten a bit too much and wanted to undo your button but had guests so you weren't allowed!
More waiting and midwife checked to see if I had dilated at all (OUUUCH) and I was about 2cm ... But she didn't want to wait anymore so she said "Right.. I'm going to break your waters for you. We need to get this going." Okie dokie boss! I just nodded and looked at Scott as the realisation started to crawl in my brain that our baby would be here soon. My mum was on her way as at 6pm on the Tuesday I had my waters broken (slight ouch this time).
It was done, Scott was speaking his mum when I felt the first proper contraction. OOOOUCH. What was that? I grabbed Scott panicking and he looked at me and realised that I was in pain. I went back to my original room where my dad and his fiance were sitting waiting for us.
I was then told to WALK AROUND... to help things get going a bit more. OOOOOUCH... they then brought me some dinner as they felt I hadn't eaten enough and I would needed all the energy I could get for the next 7 hours and 3 minutes exactly. I was bouncing gently on an exercise ball whilst eating a few steamed carrots (I thought it would be carrot sticks but it was literally a plate of steamed carrots). Every time the pain came I would focus on one spot and hum something (the more painful the louder the hum... I hummed the pirates of the Caribbean tune if you're wondering), my dads fiance flannelled my head with cool water during this time (I suggest you have some one do the same, its amazing). We were moved to the labour ward and After about an hour I went onto gas and air... That was good, though the timing was always off, then at 9 I had the diamorphine... It didn't work. At all. Then at 11 I had the epidural. It also didn't work. Gas and air were my only friends but they made it all very hazy.
I remember a burning sensation. I remember talking to my sister on the phone briefly telling her how much I loved her, I think she was crying, Then I remember being told to stop pushing and thinking 'Nope! You wanted me to push and now I'm not stopping' (I should have stopped pushing, 2nd degree tear!) and at 1:03am the 5th March, my baby boy being put on my chest and the haze lifted.
He was here... In my arms. My Jack. The wave of love that swept over me was too much, it felt like I was going to burst.
And now, that tiny, gloopy, wet perfect potato is under 8 weeks away from being 1 and no longer potato like. I remember saying to myself I wouldn't do anything big. I would just have some people round and family and a bit of cake. Because he won't remember, he won't even realise its for him. He'll probably cry a lot. But then I thought...
Sod it. I will give him a party. He'll have cake and we will celebrate. Because its not just for him. Its for me, for his dad, for this amazing year, for the moment he was placed in my arms and that wave of love flooded over me. I will celebrate that with all the people who have loved and helped and been there all through out. I will celebrate the day I was given the most perfect gift and I will spoil him on that day. Because he deserves it as much as we do. He has helped me grow, as much as I've helped him. Hes evil, hes an angel, hes funny, hes naughty and he's mine.
So as much as it may seem silly to some to do too much for him, that he won't remember. He doesn't have to remember. The pictures will show him, I will tell him. I'm so excited 😊
Take it easy. and party like your 1!
Ellie x
My little ray of evil sunshine will be a year old in a few weeks time. That has shaken me to my core. Just so weird that nearly 11 months ago my baby was born a tiny 5lb13oz. He was a wiggly skinny little man.
Alot of mums say they forget the pain of childbirth and whilst to the most part that's true for me, I still remember some of it. I remember trying to gain back the control I was quickly loosing through the pain (oh god the pain!). I had been doing relatively well and was even patting myself on the back thinking 'this is fine, I don't know what all the fuss is about'.
I was induced you see. I went in on a Monday for a sizing scan to see if he had gotten any bigger as it was showing he was quite small. They always check your pee and such and My pee was plus 2 protein, my blood pressure was ridiculous and they did some blood tests and my midwife came in, sat down and very calmly said "your blood results have come back an absolute mess so you need to have you baby... We're going to induce you dear"
I remember saying "Yeah why not" had to come some time right? and if my blood was a mess then best to get him out safely. So up went the gel (they are not gentle!) and the waiting began.
But like I said I didn't know what all the fuss was about, had another thing of gel as the first hadn't done anything (ouuuuuuuuch!). Felt little twinges that they said were contractions but it was more like a mild period pain or to men .. Like you'd eaten a bit too much and wanted to undo your button but had guests so you weren't allowed!
More waiting and midwife checked to see if I had dilated at all (OUUUCH) and I was about 2cm ... But she didn't want to wait anymore so she said "Right.. I'm going to break your waters for you. We need to get this going." Okie dokie boss! I just nodded and looked at Scott as the realisation started to crawl in my brain that our baby would be here soon. My mum was on her way as at 6pm on the Tuesday I had my waters broken (slight ouch this time).
It was done, Scott was speaking his mum when I felt the first proper contraction. OOOOUCH. What was that? I grabbed Scott panicking and he looked at me and realised that I was in pain. I went back to my original room where my dad and his fiance were sitting waiting for us.
I was then told to WALK AROUND... to help things get going a bit more. OOOOOUCH... they then brought me some dinner as they felt I hadn't eaten enough and I would needed all the energy I could get for the next 7 hours and 3 minutes exactly. I was bouncing gently on an exercise ball whilst eating a few steamed carrots (I thought it would be carrot sticks but it was literally a plate of steamed carrots). Every time the pain came I would focus on one spot and hum something (the more painful the louder the hum... I hummed the pirates of the Caribbean tune if you're wondering), my dads fiance flannelled my head with cool water during this time (I suggest you have some one do the same, its amazing). We were moved to the labour ward and After about an hour I went onto gas and air... That was good, though the timing was always off, then at 9 I had the diamorphine... It didn't work. At all. Then at 11 I had the epidural. It also didn't work. Gas and air were my only friends but they made it all very hazy.
I remember a burning sensation. I remember talking to my sister on the phone briefly telling her how much I loved her, I think she was crying, Then I remember being told to stop pushing and thinking 'Nope! You wanted me to push and now I'm not stopping' (I should have stopped pushing, 2nd degree tear!) and at 1:03am the 5th March, my baby boy being put on my chest and the haze lifted.
He was here... In my arms. My Jack. The wave of love that swept over me was too much, it felt like I was going to burst.
And now, that tiny, gloopy, wet perfect potato is under 8 weeks away from being 1 and no longer potato like. I remember saying to myself I wouldn't do anything big. I would just have some people round and family and a bit of cake. Because he won't remember, he won't even realise its for him. He'll probably cry a lot. But then I thought...
Sod it. I will give him a party. He'll have cake and we will celebrate. Because its not just for him. Its for me, for his dad, for this amazing year, for the moment he was placed in my arms and that wave of love flooded over me. I will celebrate that with all the people who have loved and helped and been there all through out. I will celebrate the day I was given the most perfect gift and I will spoil him on that day. Because he deserves it as much as we do. He has helped me grow, as much as I've helped him. Hes evil, hes an angel, hes funny, hes naughty and he's mine.
So as much as it may seem silly to some to do too much for him, that he won't remember. He doesn't have to remember. The pictures will show him, I will tell him. I'm so excited 😊
Take it easy. and party like your 1!
Ellie x
Friday, 9 January 2015
24 Questions
Hello :)
So pretty self explanatory really. I found 24 questions online and I'm going to answer them so you get a little more information on yours truly. Here it goes!
1. What is your middle name?: Well my first name is kind of attached to my middle name... Does that count? If it does then its Beth.
2. What is your favorite drink?: Tea and Water. Nothing better really, I do have a coffee first thing but the rest of the day is tea and water.
3. What is your favorite song at the moment?: Oooo that's difficult as I've been really into my classical music at the moment but if I had to pick then I'll go for Meatloaf - Bat out of Hell. Thanks mum for my love for that over weight god.
4. What is your favorite food?: Bacon and Brie Panini... Always
5. What is the last thing you bought?: Harry Potter books... With the new illustrated covers. For Jacks collection. Hes 10 months old.
6. Favorite book of all time?: All of them. No that's a lie, I hate the twilight saga. I didn't use to, but for some reason when I got pregnant I got really angry with it and haven't been able to read it since. But I have a top 3, Alice in Wonderland, Skulduggery Pleasant and Harry Potter... In no particular order :)
7. Favorite Color?: Green and Blue
8. Do you have any pets?: Jack... No just joking. I have a cat called Fang but he lives with my husbands mum and dad until we get some where with a garden!
9. Favorite Perfume?: Ghost
10. Favorite Holiday?: Halloween and Christmas. Always those two.
11. Are you married?: I am indeed to an amazing man. Seriously my best friend and love of my life.
12. Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: I've been to Turkey several times, can't count how many but a lot!
13. Do you speak any other language?: I use to be able to speak Italian quite well but its pretty much gone apart from a couple of phrases.
14. How many siblings do you have?: I have one beautiful, incredible older sister and through marriage have gained 3 awesome brothers and a sister in law 😊
15. What is your favorite store?: Oh dear.. Errr. Well Tescos, Boots, Waterstones and WHSmiths... Seems boring but I do love them all!
16. Favorite restaurant?: Again... Wow. I don't go to many so I'll say Weatherspoons
17. When was the last time you cried?: I think it was the day before the 4th year anniversary of my granddads passing. Never cry on the day. Strange.
18. Favorite Blog?: I'll say my friend Kirsties, as its just so her. No fakeness, just a lovely read every time.
19. Favorite Movie?: I have loads but again I'll just name a few. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Alice in Wonderland, Hunger Games, Nightmare Before Christmas..
20. Favorite TV show?: Gah. Again. Loads! Doctor Who, Sherlock (the British one), Criminal Minds, Hannibal, The Big Bang Theory, Torchwood, Castle..
21. PC or Mac?: PC as that's all I've ever had.
22. What phone do you have?: Nokia Lumia 320... I think
23. How tall are you?: 5'5. I lost an inch somewhere.
24. Can you cook?: Yes I can and I enjoy it thoroughly.
adding in a bonus questions. Hey spontaneity and all that right?
25. Favourite Game?: I have been gaming since I was little one the Sega and NES. But I'll just say modern favourites or we'll be here all week. Alice: Return to Madness, Skyrim, Fairytale Fights, Batman: Arkham City and all the Lego games.
So pretty self explanatory really. I found 24 questions online and I'm going to answer them so you get a little more information on yours truly. Here it goes!
1. What is your middle name?: Well my first name is kind of attached to my middle name... Does that count? If it does then its Beth.
2. What is your favorite drink?: Tea and Water. Nothing better really, I do have a coffee first thing but the rest of the day is tea and water.
3. What is your favorite song at the moment?: Oooo that's difficult as I've been really into my classical music at the moment but if I had to pick then I'll go for Meatloaf - Bat out of Hell. Thanks mum for my love for that over weight god.
4. What is your favorite food?: Bacon and Brie Panini... Always
5. What is the last thing you bought?: Harry Potter books... With the new illustrated covers. For Jacks collection. Hes 10 months old.
6. Favorite book of all time?: All of them. No that's a lie, I hate the twilight saga. I didn't use to, but for some reason when I got pregnant I got really angry with it and haven't been able to read it since. But I have a top 3, Alice in Wonderland, Skulduggery Pleasant and Harry Potter... In no particular order :)
7. Favorite Color?: Green and Blue
8. Do you have any pets?: Jack... No just joking. I have a cat called Fang but he lives with my husbands mum and dad until we get some where with a garden!
9. Favorite Perfume?: Ghost
10. Favorite Holiday?: Halloween and Christmas. Always those two.
11. Are you married?: I am indeed to an amazing man. Seriously my best friend and love of my life.
12. Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: I've been to Turkey several times, can't count how many but a lot!
13. Do you speak any other language?: I use to be able to speak Italian quite well but its pretty much gone apart from a couple of phrases.
14. How many siblings do you have?: I have one beautiful, incredible older sister and through marriage have gained 3 awesome brothers and a sister in law 😊
15. What is your favorite store?: Oh dear.. Errr. Well Tescos, Boots, Waterstones and WHSmiths... Seems boring but I do love them all!
16. Favorite restaurant?: Again... Wow. I don't go to many so I'll say Weatherspoons
17. When was the last time you cried?: I think it was the day before the 4th year anniversary of my granddads passing. Never cry on the day. Strange.
18. Favorite Blog?: I'll say my friend Kirsties, as its just so her. No fakeness, just a lovely read every time.
19. Favorite Movie?: I have loads but again I'll just name a few. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Alice in Wonderland, Hunger Games, Nightmare Before Christmas..
20. Favorite TV show?: Gah. Again. Loads! Doctor Who, Sherlock (the British one), Criminal Minds, Hannibal, The Big Bang Theory, Torchwood, Castle..
21. PC or Mac?: PC as that's all I've ever had.
22. What phone do you have?: Nokia Lumia 320... I think
23. How tall are you?: 5'5. I lost an inch somewhere.
24. Can you cook?: Yes I can and I enjoy it thoroughly.
adding in a bonus questions. Hey spontaneity and all that right?
25. Favourite Game?: I have been gaming since I was little one the Sega and NES. But I'll just say modern favourites or we'll be here all week. Alice: Return to Madness, Skyrim, Fairytale Fights, Batman: Arkham City and all the Lego games.
Alice in wonderland,
all about me,
harry potter,
Wednesday, 7 January 2015
I'm going to go ahead and start of by saying I am not an expert at blogging. This is my 4th attempt at trying to start one, I think it did well but I got bored.
Unfortunately it os just one of those things, unless you're really passionate about what you are writing about.
And that was my downfall before. I was trying too hard to write about things I just had no idea about so that my blog would be noticed. Yes I wear clothing mainly bought from new look but I am in no way a fashion savvy girl. I could probably guess just by taking a look on the high street what's popular but otherwise I am clueless.
I have mentioned in a previous blog post, helpfully named fashion, I was not born with the fashion gene. I like doing make up, I use to change my eye make up everyday. Hell I went to London, got into lots of debt, to do a make up course. I enjoyed it but my tutors didn't seem to... In fact they seemed l
slightly depressed on their chosen career path... Except one but she didn't seem all there to begin with. But I couldn't tell you what was trending, I could only tell you what I used ... Which wasn't and isn't a lot.
And there in lays the problem. I was trying to hard to be this beauty/ fashion blogger when that's not me. I'm an everything and anything girl. You want fashion, sure here's the Hogwarts jumper I wear more then I should. You want beauty? Well jump on in I'll show you how I put my mascara on. I'm certain its the same way you do it but you never know (everyone does it in the dark upside down right?).
But that's just a small percentage of who I am. I'm also a mum, wife, cook (don't ask anyone though they're horrid liars and will say I don't cook... ), baker, gamer, reader, crafter, slightly paranoid, collector and so much more. I doubt there's one person that knows the full bomb site that is me.
Not even me. Everyday I surprise myself by doing something I didn't think I could do or Sa something that a few years ago you wouldn't catch me saying in a ... Few years apparently. I actually stand up for what I believe in now.
I guess that's why it felt so right to restart my blog now. Because I'm more myself now then I ever have been before and what I write now is actually ... Well.. Me.
So I guess if I were to give any advice to some one starting a blog from the point of view of someone who doesn't have a clue is..
Just do it. Just write but be yourself. Write how you would say it out loud if you were talking to a friend or family member. Let some of your weirdness seep in between the lines. That way I think people will appreciate your blog more because its more personal. Its you!
And this is me.
Take it easy.
Ellie x
Unfortunately it os just one of those things, unless you're really passionate about what you are writing about.
And that was my downfall before. I was trying too hard to write about things I just had no idea about so that my blog would be noticed. Yes I wear clothing mainly bought from new look but I am in no way a fashion savvy girl. I could probably guess just by taking a look on the high street what's popular but otherwise I am clueless.
I have mentioned in a previous blog post, helpfully named fashion, I was not born with the fashion gene. I like doing make up, I use to change my eye make up everyday. Hell I went to London, got into lots of debt, to do a make up course. I enjoyed it but my tutors didn't seem to... In fact they seemed l
slightly depressed on their chosen career path... Except one but she didn't seem all there to begin with. But I couldn't tell you what was trending, I could only tell you what I used ... Which wasn't and isn't a lot.
And there in lays the problem. I was trying to hard to be this beauty/ fashion blogger when that's not me. I'm an everything and anything girl. You want fashion, sure here's the Hogwarts jumper I wear more then I should. You want beauty? Well jump on in I'll show you how I put my mascara on. I'm certain its the same way you do it but you never know (everyone does it in the dark upside down right?).
But that's just a small percentage of who I am. I'm also a mum, wife, cook (don't ask anyone though they're horrid liars and will say I don't cook... ), baker, gamer, reader, crafter, slightly paranoid, collector and so much more. I doubt there's one person that knows the full bomb site that is me.
Not even me. Everyday I surprise myself by doing something I didn't think I could do or Sa something that a few years ago you wouldn't catch me saying in a ... Few years apparently. I actually stand up for what I believe in now.
I guess that's why it felt so right to restart my blog now. Because I'm more myself now then I ever have been before and what I write now is actually ... Well.. Me.
So I guess if I were to give any advice to some one starting a blog from the point of view of someone who doesn't have a clue is..
Just do it. Just write but be yourself. Write how you would say it out loud if you were talking to a friend or family member. Let some of your weirdness seep in between the lines. That way I think people will appreciate your blog more because its more personal. Its you!
And this is me.
Take it easy.
Ellie x
harry potter,
You lucky devils.
I swear I'm not constantly thinking about new blog ideas, they simply come to me at this sort of time because I've just put the little one to bed and have too much time on my hands when he's not in them.
Well today my husband and I have been having a massive clear out and I mean being brutal! I think at some stage you just realise you have to be.
Plus the amount of stuff, yes stuff, that we have and don't use is appalling. But with a bit of team effort on the 'make sure the baby doesn't harm himself, us or the things we do like' front we've made a lot of progress including moving furniture around to make better use of the small space we have.
4/5 bags for charity, 2 bags of recycling, 5 black bags and a partridge in a pear tree later, its looking a lot better. You really don't realise you've accumulated everything you have until you actually look. Properly.
At the moment we only have a 1 bedroom flat for the 3 of us and Jack is one of these babies that plays with everything he has at least once a day.
So the toy boy is ransacked continuously, basically our living room is a playground. Plus we have 2 dvd shelves, 3 book shelves near crammed, 5 GOLD RINGS and a cupboard filled with ... Stuff.
I do like a mass clear out though, I love the feeling you get when its starting to look clearer and things have a place.
When you dust, hoover and mop your hovel into a home again. It not only cleaned your house but you as well. Plus you find things you thought you'd chucked accidently but actually didn't and thank god because that really needs to be returned to the person who I got it from if they even remember.
Some ones singing 'Let it go!' Outside.
Anywho, so yes I really do recommend everyone have a clear out every so often. Don't leave it a year and then wonder why the bin men look horrified by how many rubbish bags are piled in front of them or how shocked (and slightly irritated by the extra work you've given her) the lady in the charity shop looks when you drop off all the bags of 'goodies' by her desk. You will feel better for it.
Or is it just me?
Take it easy.
Ellie x
Well today my husband and I have been having a massive clear out and I mean being brutal! I think at some stage you just realise you have to be.
Plus the amount of stuff, yes stuff, that we have and don't use is appalling. But with a bit of team effort on the 'make sure the baby doesn't harm himself, us or the things we do like' front we've made a lot of progress including moving furniture around to make better use of the small space we have.
4/5 bags for charity, 2 bags of recycling, 5 black bags and a partridge in a pear tree later, its looking a lot better. You really don't realise you've accumulated everything you have until you actually look. Properly.
At the moment we only have a 1 bedroom flat for the 3 of us and Jack is one of these babies that plays with everything he has at least once a day.
So the toy boy is ransacked continuously, basically our living room is a playground. Plus we have 2 dvd shelves, 3 book shelves near crammed, 5 GOLD RINGS and a cupboard filled with ... Stuff.
I do like a mass clear out though, I love the feeling you get when its starting to look clearer and things have a place.
When you dust, hoover and mop your hovel into a home again. It not only cleaned your house but you as well. Plus you find things you thought you'd chucked accidently but actually didn't and thank god because that really needs to be returned to the person who I got it from if they even remember.
Some ones singing 'Let it go!' Outside.
Anywho, so yes I really do recommend everyone have a clear out every so often. Don't leave it a year and then wonder why the bin men look horrified by how many rubbish bags are piled in front of them or how shocked (and slightly irritated by the extra work you've given her) the lady in the charity shop looks when you drop off all the bags of 'goodies' by her desk. You will feel better for it.
Or is it just me?
Take it easy.
Ellie x
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
So you want to write a story...
Well woopdy doo. (Hercules reference)
I know its late but here I am writing a short blog ... For all you fans *crickets*
So I've always had 2 ambitions in life. One from when I was a tiny person and one which came as I tried lots of different jobs and realised what I loved. I figured at this point I've still got my life ahead of me, yes I have a child and am married but whoever said life stops when you have a child was a liar. If anyone had actually said that in fact! I don't know.
Anyway, my first ambition, I couldn't even say properly as a child, is to be a writer... Of books. An Author if you please... I called it an Arthur when I was younger.
Not the best start I admit. But my main inspiration behind this ambition was my grandad, he was a librarian and his love for books made his house a library. I'm not even kidding there were books in every room ... Including the bathroom (riddles to help you poop) and I loved it.
My second inspiration is through my favourite books and in turn my favourite authors, J.K.Rowling, Derek Landy, Oscar Wilde, C.S.Lewis, Lewis Carrol (the list is endless! Even before I could read I would pretend, I loved the smell of the books and the sound they made as the pages turned or when you closed it. I still smell books now.
Not odd at all. But I tried to forget about that idea because I didn't have the confidence in what I wrote. But now... Watch out world I'm coming!
My second ambition which as stated I found out through working in lots of different areas. Is to open my own cafe.
I almost started a few years back but then lots of people did. So I thought instead of opening yet another cafe I would sot back and wait for the others to close first. Sounds harsh but it happens.
A sudden swell of people wanting to do a certain thing because ots trendy, but then you have lots of the same sort of vintage, chic, kitch looking cafes and no one wanting to go to them.
I love what a nice cup of tea or coffee can do for a person or a group. Whether its cold out/ warm out/ hectic day/ boring day etc etc etc having a nice seat and a lovely brew can just make the world melt away.
So yes those are my two ambitions. (I did have a third to become a librarian like my granddad but lets see how I do on the first 2 for now) you never know. You could see my book in a book shop one day or have a lovely drink in my cafe.
Or both.
Take it easy.
Ellie x
I know its late but here I am writing a short blog ... For all you fans *crickets*
So I've always had 2 ambitions in life. One from when I was a tiny person and one which came as I tried lots of different jobs and realised what I loved. I figured at this point I've still got my life ahead of me, yes I have a child and am married but whoever said life stops when you have a child was a liar. If anyone had actually said that in fact! I don't know.
Anyway, my first ambition, I couldn't even say properly as a child, is to be a writer... Of books. An Author if you please... I called it an Arthur when I was younger.
Not the best start I admit. But my main inspiration behind this ambition was my grandad, he was a librarian and his love for books made his house a library. I'm not even kidding there were books in every room ... Including the bathroom (riddles to help you poop) and I loved it.
My second inspiration is through my favourite books and in turn my favourite authors, J.K.Rowling, Derek Landy, Oscar Wilde, C.S.Lewis, Lewis Carrol (the list is endless! Even before I could read I would pretend, I loved the smell of the books and the sound they made as the pages turned or when you closed it. I still smell books now.
Not odd at all. But I tried to forget about that idea because I didn't have the confidence in what I wrote. But now... Watch out world I'm coming!
My second ambition which as stated I found out through working in lots of different areas. Is to open my own cafe.
I almost started a few years back but then lots of people did. So I thought instead of opening yet another cafe I would sot back and wait for the others to close first. Sounds harsh but it happens.
A sudden swell of people wanting to do a certain thing because ots trendy, but then you have lots of the same sort of vintage, chic, kitch looking cafes and no one wanting to go to them.
I love what a nice cup of tea or coffee can do for a person or a group. Whether its cold out/ warm out/ hectic day/ boring day etc etc etc having a nice seat and a lovely brew can just make the world melt away.
So yes those are my two ambitions. (I did have a third to become a librarian like my granddad but lets see how I do on the first 2 for now) you never know. You could see my book in a book shop one day or have a lovely drink in my cafe.
Or both.
Take it easy.
Ellie x
Alice in wonderland,
harry potter,
Skulduggery Pleasant,
Monday, 5 January 2015
Skulduggery Pleasant
Let me start by saying, I love to read!
I love getting so caught up in a story, falling in love with the characters, learning new words (and how to say them), letting my mind just drift into the writers world and then getting really annoyed if someone tries to pull me out of it.
Saying this, as much as I love reading new books there are some book series I could read a thousand times over, looking at my collection, you'd be able to tell straight away which ones.
The ones that look like they've gone everywhere, the spines are wrinkled with the amount of times they've been opened and shut, a few pages have a little crease here and there and the edges are a little worn. Some might even have shopping list page markers in them.
One such book series is Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy. I love love love love this book series with a passion. I could read these forever really. They're clever, witty, sad, happy, scary and whenever I start a book, that's it, I am with Valkyrie Cain and Skulduggery on one of their many mysteries. Helping solve, kick butt, making ridiculously clever (sarcastic/funny) remarks and learning something new a long the way.
I'll give you the basics. Stephanie is one of the main characters, a intelligent, funny, headstrong 12 year old who has always felt there was more to life than living in a small town. She was right, her uncle dies suddenly and she is plunged into an exciting world she never knew with skeleton detectives, bad guys and maaaaagic!
I actually don't think there is any way to describe it properly. You HAVE to read it. Basically. I happened upon the first book by chance really. Many years ago when a poundland first opened on the island, they always had books but they weren't ever really that good, I still got loads mostly because I will read anything once.
The front cover of Skulduggery Pleasant jumped out at me one day whilst being bored walking through poundland. Now, I think I mentioned in a previous post I use to be a goth. So stick a Skeleton on the front of a book and "HELLOOOOOO". So for the bargain price of £1, I bought it. I laughed so much at the characters, they're so.. Real. You can imagine that these conversations could actually happen. The descriptions of everything are so in-depth yet not over bearing. Its like you can see in your mind the buildings being built up, brick by brick.
Derek Landy is a genius and I don't think he would say otherwise either. I have read every Skulduggery book and I have to say, it's just fantastic. So go buy the first one, or better yet they have the first 2 printed in one book! You will not regret it! How could you regret adding another beautifully written book to your collection?
Get the book, get a cup of tea, some nibbles (watch out with chocolate... Don't get it on the pages... Like I have.. Several of the books in fact) and let your mind be immersed in the amazing, magical, ridiculous world of Skulduggery Pleasant.
Take it easy.
I love getting so caught up in a story, falling in love with the characters, learning new words (and how to say them), letting my mind just drift into the writers world and then getting really annoyed if someone tries to pull me out of it.
Saying this, as much as I love reading new books there are some book series I could read a thousand times over, looking at my collection, you'd be able to tell straight away which ones.
The ones that look like they've gone everywhere, the spines are wrinkled with the amount of times they've been opened and shut, a few pages have a little crease here and there and the edges are a little worn. Some might even have shopping list page markers in them.
One such book series is Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy. I love love love love this book series with a passion. I could read these forever really. They're clever, witty, sad, happy, scary and whenever I start a book, that's it, I am with Valkyrie Cain and Skulduggery on one of their many mysteries. Helping solve, kick butt, making ridiculously clever (sarcastic/funny) remarks and learning something new a long the way.
I'll give you the basics. Stephanie is one of the main characters, a intelligent, funny, headstrong 12 year old who has always felt there was more to life than living in a small town. She was right, her uncle dies suddenly and she is plunged into an exciting world she never knew with skeleton detectives, bad guys and maaaaagic!
I actually don't think there is any way to describe it properly. You HAVE to read it. Basically. I happened upon the first book by chance really. Many years ago when a poundland first opened on the island, they always had books but they weren't ever really that good, I still got loads mostly because I will read anything once.
The front cover of Skulduggery Pleasant jumped out at me one day whilst being bored walking through poundland. Now, I think I mentioned in a previous post I use to be a goth. So stick a Skeleton on the front of a book and "HELLOOOOOO". So for the bargain price of £1, I bought it. I laughed so much at the characters, they're so.. Real. You can imagine that these conversations could actually happen. The descriptions of everything are so in-depth yet not over bearing. Its like you can see in your mind the buildings being built up, brick by brick.
Derek Landy is a genius and I don't think he would say otherwise either. I have read every Skulduggery book and I have to say, it's just fantastic. So go buy the first one, or better yet they have the first 2 printed in one book! You will not regret it! How could you regret adding another beautifully written book to your collection?
Get the book, get a cup of tea, some nibbles (watch out with chocolate... Don't get it on the pages... Like I have.. Several of the books in fact) and let your mind be immersed in the amazing, magical, ridiculous world of Skulduggery Pleasant.
Take it easy.
Friday, 2 January 2015
You may or may not have read my first blog! But those who have know I'm a mum, those who haven't..
I'm a mum!
I have a little boy called Jack. He's truly in my totally unbiased and noteworthy opinion the cheekiest little bundle of demonic evilness I have ever laid my eyes on. But I do love him! He's brilliant really, pretty good at being a baby so yeah!
It does open a whole new world of experiences being a mum. Like breastfeeding, getting poo on your face... Furniture... Guests, the amount of nappies you go through!, the crying (oh god the crying), teething, growing out of things every 3 months! (I thought I had weight issues!) and of course the people who know better then you about everything ...and you becoming one of them!
Don't be shy, we've all had it. Especially first time mummys, people will give you their opinions and those first few months of pregnancy you nod politely, say "I know" and they just get frustrated because of course you don't know! You're a first time mum how can you possibly know these things!!!
Truth is... We don't know. Like you said. First time mum, have never experienced any of it. Looking after nieces and nephews isn't the same! Of course it isn't. Buuuuuut... We say "I know" because "shhhhhhhhh!" We will find out and the last thing we need before we have our obvious perfectly perfect bundle is to hear how they will make our lives hell. We have been use to naps, doing what we want, having a bath for an hour... Just because we can! Smoking, drinking! Yeah too right. Staying up until... Whenever the hell we want to! Because we could.
Then we decided to have a baby! Smoking = Nope, Drinking = Nope, Naps = nap when they nap = Nope!, Staying up... Well yeah but not by choice! This time we're up because your obvious perfectly perfect bundle is hungry again or has filled their nappy again or just wants a nice snuggle with mummy again!
But through all the Nopes and Agains. We are learning. Yes its bloody difficult, yeah my boobs contain for fluid then a river (it feels like it) and yes the sleep deprivation made me anxious. I'll tell you a secret, its totally worth it.
Thank you captain obvious.
You're welcome!
It may seem obvious but when you're going through it, you can just hear those opinionated buggers in your brain singing "I told you so, I told you so!" Really badly... And its right next to the go compare guy singing all your doubts (is he getting enough milk, is that a rash, is he tongue tied, is that mole normal, is that poo normal, does he loves me, am I doing this right, why won't he stop crying, hes obviously broken, I'm obviously broken). Whilst the some other irritating berk is telling you that everything you do will kill your child.
Let me tell you now, it does get easier, it is of course worth it and as long as you follow certain guidelines, you will not kill your baby. I breastfeed Jack and at near 10 months I'm very lucky to get this far! But I hate women being berated for how they feed their child! Whether formula or breastfed, as long as they're fed and happy then you are doing it right!
I won't get in to this too much otherwise, it'll be a book!
I will just finish off with this. Its amazing. You grew that demonic child. You did it. You made a heart. A brain. Lungs!! EYEBALLS!!! You created life and that's amazing! And now you get to help that tiny slice of satan grow, to learn! I love Jack with the fiercest love, a scary love that nothing could ever break! So enjoy, enjoy feeding them, playing with them. They will reach milestones, at their own pace! They will teach you as well, patience, true love and how to change a nappy in under 30 seconds (though 25 seconds was my fastest). It does go fast!
Take it easy.
I'm a mum!
I have a little boy called Jack. He's truly in my totally unbiased and noteworthy opinion the cheekiest little bundle of demonic evilness I have ever laid my eyes on. But I do love him! He's brilliant really, pretty good at being a baby so yeah!
It does open a whole new world of experiences being a mum. Like breastfeeding, getting poo on your face... Furniture... Guests, the amount of nappies you go through!, the crying (oh god the crying), teething, growing out of things every 3 months! (I thought I had weight issues!) and of course the people who know better then you about everything ...and you becoming one of them!
Don't be shy, we've all had it. Especially first time mummys, people will give you their opinions and those first few months of pregnancy you nod politely, say "I know" and they just get frustrated because of course you don't know! You're a first time mum how can you possibly know these things!!!
Truth is... We don't know. Like you said. First time mum, have never experienced any of it. Looking after nieces and nephews isn't the same! Of course it isn't. Buuuuuut... We say "I know" because "shhhhhhhhh!" We will find out and the last thing we need before we have our obvious perfectly perfect bundle is to hear how they will make our lives hell. We have been use to naps, doing what we want, having a bath for an hour... Just because we can! Smoking, drinking! Yeah too right. Staying up until... Whenever the hell we want to! Because we could.
Then we decided to have a baby! Smoking = Nope, Drinking = Nope, Naps = nap when they nap = Nope!, Staying up... Well yeah but not by choice! This time we're up because your obvious perfectly perfect bundle is hungry again or has filled their nappy again or just wants a nice snuggle with mummy again!
But through all the Nopes and Agains. We are learning. Yes its bloody difficult, yeah my boobs contain for fluid then a river (it feels like it) and yes the sleep deprivation made me anxious. I'll tell you a secret, its totally worth it.
Thank you captain obvious.
You're welcome!
It may seem obvious but when you're going through it, you can just hear those opinionated buggers in your brain singing "I told you so, I told you so!" Really badly... And its right next to the go compare guy singing all your doubts (is he getting enough milk, is that a rash, is he tongue tied, is that mole normal, is that poo normal, does he loves me, am I doing this right, why won't he stop crying, hes obviously broken, I'm obviously broken). Whilst the some other irritating berk is telling you that everything you do will kill your child.
Let me tell you now, it does get easier, it is of course worth it and as long as you follow certain guidelines, you will not kill your baby. I breastfeed Jack and at near 10 months I'm very lucky to get this far! But I hate women being berated for how they feed their child! Whether formula or breastfed, as long as they're fed and happy then you are doing it right!
I won't get in to this too much otherwise, it'll be a book!
I will just finish off with this. Its amazing. You grew that demonic child. You did it. You made a heart. A brain. Lungs!! EYEBALLS!!! You created life and that's amazing! And now you get to help that tiny slice of satan grow, to learn! I love Jack with the fiercest love, a scary love that nothing could ever break! So enjoy, enjoy feeding them, playing with them. They will reach milestones, at their own pace! They will teach you as well, patience, true love and how to change a nappy in under 30 seconds (though 25 seconds was my fastest). It does go fast!
Take it easy.
Thursday, 1 January 2015
New Year, New Me... kinda.
Happy New Year everyone! WELCOME TO THE WOOOORLD OF TOMORROW...today.
So has everyone written their new years resolutions that they're aren't going to keep and then feel like failures when you don't keep them?
You know why they're so easy to fail, because you set your sights too high! Lower your expectations!
Instead of "I want to loose 'x' amount of weight" or "stop eating chocolate/junk food" be realistic and try "I will up my fruit/veg intake" that's easy enough, once you've completed that set a new goal. Make your resolution something you can achieve! Don't set yourself up for a fail, get to the end of 2015 and says *bleep* you 2015!
It's not the years fault, it's yours. The years do exactly what they are suppose to do, go from day to day, month to month, then add another number and do it all again. Its been doing it pretty successfully for thousands of years untill you lot came along and started blaming it for you cock ups! Stop it. Your life, blame yourself not others. (also I'm not on about major things I'm in about the resolutions... I know some things are out of your control but it still isn't the years fault...)
My resolutions.
So I'm going to write my own realistic resolutions, based on my home, my husband and my Jackjack!
I hope you all start your years as you mean to go on. Happy.
Take it easy!
So has everyone written their new years resolutions that they're aren't going to keep and then feel like failures when you don't keep them?
You know why they're so easy to fail, because you set your sights too high! Lower your expectations!
Instead of "I want to loose 'x' amount of weight" or "stop eating chocolate/junk food" be realistic and try "I will up my fruit/veg intake" that's easy enough, once you've completed that set a new goal. Make your resolution something you can achieve! Don't set yourself up for a fail, get to the end of 2015 and says *bleep* you 2015!
It's not the years fault, it's yours. The years do exactly what they are suppose to do, go from day to day, month to month, then add another number and do it all again. Its been doing it pretty successfully for thousands of years untill you lot came along and started blaming it for you cock ups! Stop it. Your life, blame yourself not others. (also I'm not on about major things I'm in about the resolutions... I know some things are out of your control but it still isn't the years fault...)
My resolutions.
So I'm going to write my own realistic resolutions, based on my home, my husband and my Jackjack!
- I would like to donate any unwanted clothing/ shoes and accessories to charity (any easy one to do, I'm brutal!)
- I am going to go for more walks with Scott and Jack, showing Jack this wonderful island we live on.
- I will sort out the kitchen cupboards (again an easy one but feels awesome once its done!)
- I will carry on slowly loosing weight but not stopping myself from eating chocolate as that would be dangerous.
- Get another book shelf (and a small one for Jack)
I hope you all start your years as you mean to go on. Happy.
Take it easy!
New years,
take it easy,
weight loss
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