I don't think I can count how many times I've restarted this blog. I either don't ever remember or get bored or worst case I just don't know what to write about... Or I'm just really busy with the tiny bundle of destruction in my household. We called him Jack for short.
But yet again here I am proclaiming the start of my blog yet again! I'm not going to make any promises at this point because the likelihood is I may forget to post again for months and start again... Again. Again.
So here it goes! Another start! Wish me luck!
I'm Ellie! Hello!
This is my soon to be failing blog, say hello! I am a mummy, wife, gamer, reader, collector and baker! I would say cook but I'm still working on that! I will probably write about all of those things though I'm not an expert of any of them.. Well reading maybe! I can read so I guess that would make me .. Sort of an expert in that field!
I live on the Isle of Wight in the south of England. Yes we're part of the UK and No you do not need a passport to get here. I've lived here my entire life apart for one year where I ventured to London to do a course in specialist make up. I liked it but I'm definitely an Island girl at heart... Plus money ran out.
At this point in time I'm a full time mummy. Not yummy mummy (hate that term more then ..enter something you hate here..). I have a Jack, a demonic overlord who seeks to destroy everything and smiles when I say ouch or no. He's cute though so we kept him.
I'm sure if I keep this up, I'll give it my best shot!, then you'll learn more about me as we go along! But for now that's me 😊
Now I just need to think what my first proper post will be about. Yaaaay!
Be happy!
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