So basically I stopped blogging for a while. Why I hear my avid readers ask? (Cue tumble weed... Is that the right cue spelling?) Because my darlings real life got the better of me. Scott is back at work full time, I have a toddler now... Yes he walks and everything, I have a flat to maintain whilst also trying to keep myself maintained! So basically I had to decide what wasn't as important to look after and obviously my blog was not a priority so I said bye bye to it for a while.
But I am back! For now at least. I'm not going to back promises of how often I'm going to post I'm just going to post when I can and about what ever I want to or whatever is going on at the time. So it's now more of an as and when blog. It'll still entail the same sort of stuff eg baby, life, food, games, reading and beauty. Though probably a lot of baby stuff as he's still (of course) the centre of my world though I will try to add in other bits.
So for now this is just my "Helloooooo" post and will be back to my merry old blogging ways! I hope you enjoy and carry on enjoying what I post.
Until I post again why not go back and read some of my old posts and maybe let me know if there is anything you'd like e to ramble about! I'm sure I can pretty much talk about anything.
Take it easy
Ellie x