Thursday, 12 February 2015

My Top 10 Movies.

Hello people!

Yes its another list post (I looooove lists). Plus its a movie post, this was really hard to pick just 10 of my favourite movies as I have so many, so I just picked the ones I watch the most! These are in no particular order of favourite, I love them all. Here we go.

1. Alice in Wonderland

I think this one was going to be pretty obvious, I love all the different adaptions of Alice in Wonderland, I've seen so many different variations of the years. From Disney to Carebears in Wonderland. Yes thats right. Carebears. It is awesome. I think as long as it keeps the basic concept behind it then its a winner. So its definitely a winner whenever its on.

2. Jurassic Park (all of them)

I love these films, sometimes its not even for the story line, its to see some dinosaurs tear stuff up. Could easily watch these over and over again! AND yes! I am very very very excited for the new one coming out this year *squeals*. Can't go wrong with dinosaurs!

3. Alien (all of them)

As it happens, before we named Jack, we called him Alien as I had this motion that he was trying to push out of my stomach. I love these films, I don't care how cheesy or over used it is. Sigourney Weaver is a goddess! Plus its fun watching the cockiest people be ripped down to the silly wimpy people they are. I wouldn't be cocky at all... I'd be curled up in a ball some where, staying very very still.

4. Harry Potter (all of them)

Again this is a pretty obvious one. Since the first book came out all those years I've been hooked, my Granddad and I shared the love for Harry Potter and I remember getting the books at the same time, getting the sticker books with him, racing to finish it before him and of course seeing the movies with him. Unfortunately he didn't get to see them all, but its something I've carried on being passionate about. But they did seem to change and even get rid of some really important characters and scenes, likes Peeves and the scene where you find out the house elves are the ones who cook all the Hogwarts food. Can't remember which book it is...

5. Beauty and the Beast

This has to be one of my all time favourite Disney films. It spoke to me on so many different level.. apart from you know... gold dress. Nooo. Otherwise, the book worm girl who felt out of place in a world that celebrated beautiful people over Beautiful minded people (I'm not saying I have a beautiful mind but I prefer brains over aesthetics). Its just a nice story... apart from the fact the beast was cursed as a 10 year old boy by a stranger who came to his door and asked to come in for a god damn plant. I'm pretty sure we all tell our kids or were told as kids, don't talk to strangers or let them in your home! Bitch witch.

6. Labyrinth

You remind me of a babe.
What babe?
Babe with the power.
What power?
The power of voodoo.
Who do?
Do What?
Remind me of the babe!
YES YES YES. A thousand times yes to Mr David Bowie as the Goblin King and the fantastically weird and wonderful world that is Labyrinth. Not going to lie. I pretended I was Sarah, dress as her, half up half down hair, little crown made out of a necklace. Still do when the mood takes me.

7. Hunger Games (all of them... so far)

Really enjoying the films so far but I do wish they had kept in Madge as she gives Katniss the Mockingjay pin in the book. Also Jennifer Lawrence is perfection. Still need to watch the Mockingjay Part 1, have to wait for it to come out on DVD as I wasn't able to go to the cinema. But think they have done well with the first 2... dammit I want to watch them again and the DVD needs to come out... like now.

8. Lord of the Rings (all of them)

Badabaaaa bababa Badabaaa bababa
I think apart from Harry Potter this is one of my most watched series of movies. I hadn't read the books before the movies and still haven't read them all. I will rectify this once I've finished reading all my Skulduggery Pleasant books again. But I do love watching the movies and probably every other day Scott and I find a quote to say to one another at some point during a conversation. Its so versatile >.<

9. The Hobbit (all of them)

I started reading the Hobbit to Jack (hes 11 months and isn't interested) and I'm really enjoying it. I love the movies, the characters seem true to word. I love Martin Freeman as well (in most things as well as real life) and think he portrays Bilbo Baggins incredibly well. Have yet to see the last film but am waiting for it to come out on DVD and am sure I will love it as much as I love the others. Then can have a massive The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings marathon!

10. Nightmare before Christmas

Last but by no means least, is Tim Burtons Nightmare Before Christmas. I've liked this film since I was quite young and think it largely influenced my style as a teenager (GOTH... I know... sighhhh). I love the thought of there being doorways between all the holiday seasons and think it would be interesting to see Jack Skeleton take over another holiday but unfortunately it seems he learnt his lesson! 

So there are my top 10 movies. It was quite difficult to pick just 10 but I think I did well. I love watching and collecting dvds. If anyone though that Twilight would be on that list... any where at all. You will be sorely disappointed. I use to like Twilight, until I got pregnant, and almost immediately I hated it. I have sold the books and the movies. I don't like it anymore. 
Any of these of your top 10 list?
Any that you hate?
Do you hate Twilight too?

Take it easy.

Ellie x


  1. I've never been the biggest fan of twilight. i thought breaking dawn part 2 was the best. I love the hunger games of course catching fire and mockingjay part 1 were AMAZING!

  2. I think people prefer that one because it is soooo different from the book haha. But I love hunger games, catching fire! Mockingjay is out on DVD soon so I can finally watch it 😁
